Cynili L'Nain

Cynili  (Often called Cyn or Cyni)

Most just see a small pixy with green hair and emerald eyes.  She carries a bow and tiny sword.  Not an unusual sight here.  She might be someone's Familiar or one of the wild ones causing mischief in these Islands.

This one is different.  She's actually a True Fey and not one of the minor ones.  She keeps a glamour even when she changes form.  She can grow up to a 3' pixy or chose her elf size though she loses her wings when she does.

OOC: This is a RP build.  If I'm playing her in Pixy form, I'm likely not in an erp mood.  I ALWAYS love RP.  Be it silly, serious, PvE or sexy.  I love to help peole too.  I will do my best to bring her to life for you.
Moods do change and it's my progative.  RP may flow into any direction, just seek someone else if all you're interested in is a quicky, please.

Reds: God modding, perma anything, toilet play, anything against server rules.  Huge members if you actually expect it to fit.

Yellows: Hmmmm...   May depend on my mood...

Greens: Almost anything with good RP. Sharing your story and characters with me, having fun.

If you've bothered to read this far, let me share a little more about this little Fey.

Her Glamour:  She maintains a glamour on her eyes.  Her eyes are tri-colored.  While primarily emerald, the outer ring is bright gold and the inner is a deep sapphire blue.  the glamour is to hide the rings and is so subtle that it is very difficult to detect without actively using True Sight.

She claims the pixy form is her true self, but that is a lie.  Her elfish form is her true self.  The pixy is her second form which she can control the size from 1' to 3' in height.

Her third form has yet to manifest.

Magic:  She is a magical creature and will detect as such.  Her magic is very limited as to what she can cast and use as inate abilities.  All her magic is in spells or spell like abilities she has, except her skin tingles with light contact or close proximity to touch.  It has no game effect, just for RP.

Age: Unknown.  Time flows differently in Faerie, but likely over 500 years.
Hair:  Green and incredibly soft
Eyes: Emerald (see above under glamour)
Height: 4' 6"
Weight: 70lbs
Build: Slim, seems frail, though she is much tougher than she looks in all her forms
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf