Embrae Eaoleth

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Embrae is, by the accounting of those who name and organize the races; half-blooded. Her eyes, with their moderate tilt, and her ears, which taper into small points both speak to her elven heritage. The other half is, judging by her build and stature, likely human.

From the flowing locks of her chestnut hair, to the soft curvature of her cheeks, and the rounded button of her nose, she is by conventional estimation, attractive. Her blue eyes, deeper than the sea, and more shallow than the shore, draw attention, from the occasional intensity with which they examine those around the woman. Her voice, equally smooth whether it be softer than the quiet whisper of a pen's scratch on parchment, or louder than the roar of a wild beast, is often pleasant to the ears, and soothing to the heart.

Physical attractiveness being a common commodity in the planes, the seemingly perpetual joy with which she views the world around her, those keen eyes surveying, but never judging harshly. In fact, she seems, at the very least, glad to meet those of all stripes, and shades, from every walk of life, regarding each as a unique opportunity to hear tales yet unsaid, or to share songs yet unsung.

Often, and depending on when she may be found, and where, she is seen wearing a typical adventurer's garb: tall boots, rough pants, and and a thick leather shirt, with a bow slung over her shoulder, and a supply of arrows at her waist. Often, however, inside the cities of the plane, she is seen in more comfortable clothing.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf