Jimmy Tight-lips

Oh you wanna know about Jimmy Tight-lips huh?

Well I ain't tellin' ya nothin got it?! What do I look like a Library? You think you can press a button and Jimmy is going to tell you everything you need to know?

Jimmy Tight-lips ain't Google got it?! Jimmy Tight-lips don't know nothin' bout anythin'!! Got it?!

You a cop? You gotta tell me if your are, you know that right?

Red lights: Oh! Hey Hey! Who said anything about red lights? Jimmy Tight-lips don't know anything about any red lights.

Yellow lights: Come on. Come on. Who knows anything about any yellow lights? Calm down.

Green lights: Whoa Whoa! Put the gun down! I don't know nothin' about any green lights! I swear on my sweet mothers soul! You got the wrong guy I'm telling ya!

Deity: Vecna
Player:Jimmy Tight-lips
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human