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"Lulu will make it fit!"

Name: Lulu
Race: Kobold
Age: Young adult (for a kobold)
Height: 3'5" (104cm)
Weight: More than expected (thanks to her nuts)
Sex: Hermaphrodite
Eyes: Green with a faint glow
Scales: Onyx black

    The world can be rough on a little kobold. It's full of tall people who consider them pests, and even taller monsters that consider them food, or worse. It's an even more rough little kobold that can make her way in the world without a tribe, and that is just the sort of kobold little Lulu is.

    While most adventurers are rather familiar with the scrawny little kobolds found in caves or abandoned mines, Lulu is quite different from this more common breed. Hatched in the dark forests of some far off land, not only is she not bothered with the light of day, she's also far more generous in figure. While being barely three and a half feet tall, her build is much more plump and curvatious than the willowy little tunnel dwellers she's often confused with.

    Like her more common relatives, she appears rather draconic in nature. Her entire body encased in a layer of scales, though for the little 'bold, her scales are far softer and smoother than one would expect. A smooth pebbly texture that gives way to an almost beaded appearance over her more sensitive bits, she's surprisingly pleasant to the touch. Her beastly little head is crowned by several curved horns, arranged in pairs along her skull, the sweeping curve of the two largest actually giving her an almost menacing appearance in the right light. Her expressive eyes are quite large, flashing a rather eerie emerald glow in the dark, giving tell to the little thing's arcane proclivities.

    Quite unlike her more common relatives, this little kobold's figure is really rather ample. Far from the flat reptilian stereotype, her chest swells out into two heavy mounds, often barely contained in a dark leather top, their generous, grey undercurves often exposed. They wobble and bounce with her steps, their soft shapes leading one town to her slightly plump belly.

    Her hips are quite wide, giving her a wide stance. Well, along with certain other attributes. The curve of her hips and meaty thighs lead down to her large, clawed feet, the expanse of kobold hide often encased in leather leggings tight enough to cause her plump thighs to bulge around it's cuffs. From behind, should once catch the little creature without her large, black-furred cloak, they would find those thighs meet together to form her ample rump, her scaley hide breaking up the shape of her otherwise perfectly formed globes. From just above that plush tush sprout her equally plump tail. Far from the rat-like lash of her lesser kin, it's a thick slab of fat and muscle, curling about with her moods.

    But all this was likely secondary to what usually brings someone's attention to the odd little kobold. It is fortunate for her that her hips are so wide, they have to spread around the simply enormous mass that hangs below them. More to the size one might expect from some brutish ogre, this little kobold 'girl' has simply massive nuts! That's right, her softly scaled sack has swollen up to consume the entire space between her legs, hanging heavily down right past her very knees. Under those tiny, soft scales one can easily make out the spider web of veins feeding those enormous sperm-tanks, keeping them full and brimming with who knows how much potent 'bold sperm. Kobolds have garnered a reputation for being nearly as fecund as goblins, the little things threatening to out-breed their neighbors constantly. But this little beast? One would shudder to speculate on the preposterous amount of eggs she could force into someone.

    And it would likely have to be forced. Just above that ponderous sack rests a reptilian slit that takes up nearly half of her abdomen. While at times it's often found closed up, more often than not it's yawned wide, spilling it's meaty contents over those swollen orbs. The little kobold's cock was truly a sight to behold.  A size more fitting for someone's arm, the length of pink flesh glistens with a thick layer of sticky pre, slathered in a 'lube' more akin to tree sap than anything meant to ease the passage of that monstrous girth into some poor soul's body. Even it's shape was rather disconcerting. The tip was flat and wide, quite like what one would expect of an equine. That flare was studded with ridges which continue down her length, all the way to a massive, fat canine knot. If her sheer size wasn't enough to make someone fear for their lives before that cock, that massive knot would at least make them fear for their pelvis. Once that massive hunk of kobold flesh gets lodged inside someone, the most one could hope for is to end up swollen with the little kobold's young.

    The little beast isn't shy about her massive endowments. On the contrary, she enjoys forcing others to deal with them. The little thing is a wicked pervert, always leering at anyone she considers 'cute'. It make little matter to her if that someone happens to be male or female, in her eyes, they're all so very breedable. More than one girlish young man has managed to escape, thinking the worst was over after encountering the horny little 'bold, only to find himself soon swollen with her eggs. And that's what it's all about for her. As many of her little brood in as many bellies as she can force them into, the horny kobold delighted to see someone stretching around her clutch, be they willing or not. And the ones that don't manage to make it to that point? Well, she had fun with them while they lasted, the sounds of cracking bone does give her such a thrill...

For now, you can go to this link for all the naughty kinks. A more specific list coming soon! Maybe XD
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling