Violetta Larousse

  Violetta Larousse
Race: Human.
Skin: Soft and supple, gossamer as moonlight.
Hair: raven-haired.
Eyes: Lapis blue with small peacock green flecks..
Build: frail and plumply proportioned.
Sex: Femboy.
Age: Twenty One.
Violetta Larousse, originally born as Vincent. Is a young prince in exile. His Kingdom wrenched from him after the death of his father on the moors by a dark lich hell bent on the complete decimation of his bloodline. He was whisked away by the court mage as the monstrous horde battered at his castle's gate, along with his father's most trusted knight and his mother. Separated from the two during the transport, he now finds himself in Sinfar, alone and vulnerable.
Violetta was always a disappointment to his father growing up. As other boys his age preferred training sessions with the sword and boughts of imaginative games of conquest and dragonslaying. Violetta on the other hand preferred gardening with his mother in the royal gardens and if left alone, rummaging through his sister's wardrobes for a session of dress up. He adored playing pretend himself like all kids, pretending instead that a mighty knight would come slay the evil dragon and whisk him away.  Much to the chagrin of his father who found him prancing about his room in one of those pilfered dresses. The man's idea of an heir was not a sissy dressed in fine silk, sent him away to a trusted knight, to squire and learn to be the man his father required. The knight was handsome and strongly built, seeing in the boy a malleable tool to better his position in the kingdom, agreed to take Violetta in. Instead of swordsmanship and chivalry though, he was given a governess and taught the ways of noble woman. Classes on manners, makeup, and of course nightly duties filled his last days before the rise of the Lich Lord.
His hair cascades down his back in waves of dark onyx. The noirette locks draping down lavishly to tickle his small shoulders. Long lashes poke luxuriously from the bright Sapphire eyes. Small flecks of green sprinkled through the lovely orbs, a adorable button of a nose set squarely between them. Full sweet lips as ripe as fresh spring berries set gently on his slim face, covered nicely by a sweet pink lipstick, making them pop. Concealed beneath those delectable lips is a set of gleaming white teeth and tiny pink tongue.
Perky breasts taper into a cinched delicate waist before flaring out silkily into dainty hips. His petite frame often covered in exquisite gowns of silk and expensive cloth. Preferring to indulge in the taboo arts of dressing feminine now that he's escaped his father's reach.
Always offering a smile or a giggle. Violetta is joyful and wonder at all the sights and strange beings of his new surroundings. Often found wandering the streets of Sinifer or likewise popular hubs of the realm, simply watching the people as they go about their business. If approached the manners taught to him by his governess always supersede his inquisitive nature, often giving a sweet nod and bright smile at all who cross his path. He is extremely submissive, especially to men that bare resemblance to the knights in the tales of his land that would whisk the princess away.
Reds: Server rules, diapers, underage, and scat.... Yup that's likely it... Ill add more if something happens and makes it necessary.
Yellow: Extreme violence, blood play (above a trickle), and uncouth characters (not talking barbarians more underworldly types. Don't let that stop you from trying to get his attention just expect a lot more of a fight)
Green: men, women, demons, shemales, literally anything that behaves like a noble. Sexual wise just about anything not mentioned above is a go.
White: Dominant characters, slave/master play, Romance, punishment of all kinds, intriguing stories, long character development. Just a few that really get my fire going.
Player:Cuddles the Offensive Penguin
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human