
From and early age she had train so hard, all she ever wanted to be wasa knight, a paragon of virtue, a hero to look up to.
Finaly on her eighteenth birthday she did it she won her spurs, so with a full heart and pride brimming she set of to travel the lands righting wrongs.
Her first stop was a strange set of floating islands that screamed for a mighty warrior to tumble the corrupt leaders.
But things there were much stranger than she though, having fallen sick on the ship it would take her some time to recover but that meant money and she had already spent the small sum she had.
That was when fate smiled upon her, or so she thought a small woman offered her the shelter of her home until she was well, being young and innocent she willingly accepted the kind offer.
That first night is now burned into her mind, her dreams scream in the darkest parts of the night bringing back the pain she went through, the small woman was a demon warlock who took delight in twisting and corrupting the innocent.
The demon had done her work well, to well in fact, her body altered her mind twisted until all she once thought as base evil mean cruel or just plain wrong she now took delight in, it didnt take the demon to long to relise her error but by the time she had stopped screaming it was far to late for her to stop her creation from leaving.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human