
Portrait Save
Rodra was a noblewoman in her land, a Druid in the High Forest and warden of the Eastern Reaches.  Her husband was a wizard, and they watched over the land together.  Unfortunately for her, he didn't like what he saw one day when watching over her.  Not believing her protests that she was merely reaffirming their pacts with the fey representatives of the forest, he felt betrayed and decided to punish her harshly.

She soon found herself trapped in a far away land, for sale at a slave market.  Her body had been modified to make it more appealing to potential masters.  Before she knew it she was the property of Talon, and her new life as a slave had truly begun.

Now she wears a fine enchanted leather strip, impossible to remove without the help of her owner and buckled around her neck with a side ring bearing a golden medal that reads "Rodra - Exclusive property of Talon".  She also bears a tattoo on her left breast of a wolf paw outlined sharply with a letter in each pad forming the name "TALON".  On her right buttock, she bears the brand of Aglon, marking her as a legally owned slave by its sigil.

Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Owner: Talon
Sexuality: No longer up to her
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human