Gydeon Cruentos

This handsome young man almost appears as he stepped out of a story book. He is well muscled, favoring strength over agility. His long blond hair is neatly groomed and reaches down to his shoulders and a light beard graces his chin. A friendly smile is ever-present on his face.

In battle he is typically clad in silver armor with an assortment of weapons and tools for combating the undead. An ornate longsword hangs at his waist and a heavy shield is on his left arm. A longbow and a quiver of specialized arrows are slung over his shoulder.

However, this vampire hunter is far more than he seemsÂ…

Truth be told he is a vampire himself. His armor and appearance a guise to have his victims lower their guard. However, he obviously keeps this to himself and takes great pains to hide his true nature from those not of his kin.

VAMPIRE POWERS: As with many of his race he has the traditional vampire powers, regeneration, mesmerism, etc. In terms of mind control I generally prefer the DC of "you want it to work or you don't". Though if you prefer dice rolls, I would recommend perhaps opposing will saves. I use the abilities as RP toons and not "I win" buttons. I'm all about give and take. :)

REDS: Shemales/Herms, males, anything smaller than an elf, anything with an animal head, vore, anything toilet related, permadeath, godmoding, OOC drama

YELLOWS: Permanent mental alteration, permanent disfigurement

GREENS: Bondage, kidnapping/enslaving women (as either slaves or prisoners to feed on), RP!!! (despite his kidnappy nature, he's still fairly vanilla)

1. He only kidnaps women whose players have expressed an OOC interest in such RP taking place. Sorry if it ruins the flow of RP, but I've had an OOC "bait and switch" in the past that I care not to go through again. If Gydeon talks to your toon and you HAVEN'T expressed interest in kidnap RP, then he is just engaging in regular conversational RP. No nefarious intent.

2. I generally prefer ERP with some resistance in it. "Hooray! I've been kidnapped!" gets very boring very quickly for me and will probably result in me finishing off the scene as fast as possible. It is fine if she "comes around" in time, but it shouldn't be 5 minutes in.

3. I'm tell friendly. Feel free to send a tell to ask a question, set up some RP, or simply shoot the breeze if you are bored.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human