Eleanor Lu'varine

You see before you...
A pretty elven thing, an elf and sweet a looking one at that~

Pale, pure and at the first glance, she is  lithe and spry, with both music and dance!

Wild locks of the finest blonde hair- it dances and twirls like leaves in the air~

Quite strange how one so thin can be thick,  perhaps it's because it's a chick with a dick?

Though one with a watchful eye could hazard a guess, that this was in fact a man in a dress!

A trap waiting to be sprung!



The butler addressed his Count with a hint of reluctance to utter another word-

"What is it Cushing?"
The Count was clad in the finest leaf green robes with nothing beneath it all- he did so enjoy the evening breeze getting under his skin when he surveyed the realm from their luxurious veranda...

Cushing began anew-

"It is the young lord... He asked me to relay you a message, apparently he has  gone 'clubbing' for the night... And that in his leave of absence- it could be some time before he will return to his studies..."

The elderly looking elven man, whirled about so his robes almost flew open- and indecently exposed himself infront of his butler- he angrily patted down the light garb around himself to restore some dignity, and he pointed a dreadfully even index pointer at Cushing- the butlers stiff upper lip never wavering despite the intimidating nature of his Count.

"I will NOT stand idle- as that illiterate-  twisted BOY goes about tarnishing our name-  I will NOT sanction this sick perversion of his- You will find him, and you will bring him HOME- by whatever means..."

"... If it that is what you wish Ser"

The Butler bowed, and excused himself hurriedly-
Irate demands such as these, were to be handled promptly...


*Men in black come in and flash you with their Neuralyzers*

"Alright you can continue on your way folks, this section is off limits until it's been written, you know the drill- Right Click on some other players- Shoo SHOO!"
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf