Tarvik Callorn

Portrait Save
<Work in Progress>

On Sight: Dark of hair, and seemingly human at a glance, this swordsman might seem reasonably at home in most fantasy settings. He tends to be well dressed, seemingly paying a fair degree of attention to his appearance. He carries a sword with a fair degree of casual confidence, and likely has at least some proficiency with it. Although clearly mature, middle age does not seem to have taken hold with him yet.

On Listening: His voice is reasonably deep, his words educated or perhaps even eloquent, and usually speaks in calm, even tones.

On Smell: A faint hint of cologne, mixed with metal and leather - scents associated with heavy armor, and the oils used on such.

On Touch: Toned muscles beneath skin occasionally marred with battle scars, though none severe. His hands are callused from the hilt of blades.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Basic Archetype: Mercenary Knight
Preference: Women

Out of Character notes:
Will largely go with the flow of roleplay. Tell friendly. Tends to be particularly interested in elven, drow, and celestial or fiendish sorts, though this is by no means exclusive.

Reds: Scat, Gore, the usual extremes. Not interested in other male characters in sexual encounters, but mixed group scenes are fine.
Player:Walker in Darkness
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human