Malgarr the Unworthy

Portrait Save
You see almost starved looking individual. Wisp thin man dressed often in robes of some sort. Very little of his pale skin is visible generally. Though should one catch him without as heavy an attire as he often wears. Icy blue eyes have them selves a certain ring of madness. His sickly pale skin is marred with ritual scars. All manner of invocations covering his form. Though one, at his chest, with a six armed snake seems to be placed in center, and of most importance.

Should one investigate this mysterious man. One might discover that Malgarr's known for being involved in several abductions. Sacrifices for his demonic deity.

Looking to build a dark cult RP base, PM if you are interested in becoming cultist, priestess, assosiate of dark arts. ...Or a demon involved in rituals.
Player:Thorn Without a Rose
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human