
Portrait Save
Striking, freckled, flame-haired, and...small. Arabella was all of these things, and none of them in half-measure. Her features were dainty and exquisite, from expressive lips and brows down to a slim nose. The bridge of it was assaulted by freckles, as were her cheeks, her shoulders, and much of her skin; that which wasn't sun-kissed by them was cream pale and silk smooth.

Her hair was let to span a wide, unruly mane about her, a look which well suited her and her spirit. Her size hadn't done much to diminish her own upbeat brashness and good-natured self confidence. The small girl was a courageous traveler in traveler's garb..but she didn't look to have parted with any of her innocence. Yet.

//Lights: Feel free to ask for specifics, tell-friendly!
Red: Toilet things, godmodding, small fries like her, femboys, traps
Yellow: Most regular type males, people who float around or walk with arms bound behind their back, clans/player groups, sinfar "families."
Green: Most things! IC approaches above most.
White: Public or semi-public events, animals, bigger people, dress-up and treating her like a doll, force/coercion, romance, intelligent conversations, good RP and typing.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf