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Glimpse of Hell

This pale blue skinned girl is clearly not from this place ; with her dark blue bat-like wings and a long tail ending by a triangle shaped tip wriggles in the air just above her butt, she definitely gives a planar outsider vibe. She's not afraid to show a lot of skin when she wears slutty outfits, but her very subtle feminine curves certainly makes her look more cute than sexy - and her greyish-blue hair worn in twin pigtails from both sides of her face even reinforces further that feeling.

Her weirdest feature are certainly her smaller bat-like wings spawning from her forehead, that seem to be showing her emotions a bit like a dog's tail and ears as they perk up when she's surprised, lower when she's afraid or flutter when she's excited or happy. She has protruding pointy ears that twitch sometimes as well, but the most disturbing are maybe her eyes - twin burning red orbs in a sea of darkness.

While her true form makes her stand a bit smaller than a halfling with her 2'5'' height (a bit above 75 cm tall), she can use magic to grow up to a nearly 4' height (almost 120 cm tall). She's often seen flying around in her smaller form but she never does it when she's "grown up" for whatever reason.

 Devil in Details

Lilimu is a blue imp - an imp spawned in the Circle of Frozen Hell, Stygia. She has a natural affinity to cold, which is why she doesn't bother wearing warmer clothes when it's freezing. While she may look reasonnable and even polite when talking with mortals, she still is a devil and has the same purpose of her species - corrupt and gather souls for her native plane. She's actually quite open to offer short term contracts for small services and is straightforward in her deals, but that doesn't make her less malicious than the other devils.

Even though, there are times when her hellish nature doesn't get the better of her, especially when fashion is involved. She's fascinated by how much creativity mortals can show in that field and can be seen wearing different sets of clothes she finds cute, attractive or just interesting enough.

Small Footnotes

~Be aware that the following information isn't automatic for your character to know~

*Lilimu's True Name as a devil is Lilimu'Lil'Uli'Lim'Ith*

*She's actually a devil of the Seventh Circle, usually working as intermediary for high rank devils like the Sultan of Saban*

*She can cast powerful ice spells, as well as illusion and shadow magic*

*She can cast Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion and actually consider it "her home". She uses it for some of her services as well, if her contractor asks for it.*

*While she uses her magic to alter her height, she doesn't use it to swap genders nor modify her outer appearance - for now*

OOC Information

I can roleplay in English and French, but be aware French is my first language, so please forgive me if I do some mistakes while writing in English.

My time zone is GMT +01:00. I live in Central Europa, so it is highly possible we play at different hours - especially if you are on the other side of the sea.

I am very /tell friendly. If you have any question, please don't be shy - I will try to answer you as soon as possible.

This character is mainly made for social Roleplay. She's NOT meant for PvP and I would rather play conflicts from a narrative perspective. I won't bother rolling dice for her - it's most likely she would fail, anyway.

Be warned I really don't like people logging out without warning and then act like nothing happened afterwards. If you have to go or want to stop the RP for any reason, just tell me in OOC and I will always understand. I will never force you to play a RP you don't like as a player and will immediately stop if you say that to me. Otherwise, don't be surprised if I refuse to play with you next time, with any of my characters.

If you want to know her lights, here are some. Note that they're not the only ones and I may add more in the future. If you have a request, feel free to ask me in a /tell.

Green (I like to play with those, but asking OOC before RP doesn't hurt.)
- Short term RP (1-2 hours IRL)
- Devil contracts (short term)
- Male characters
- Prostitution (by using devil contracts, she doesn't ask for money but a part of your soul, so beware !)
- Master/familiar relationship
- Size difference (interacting/playing with characters with a significant difference in size)
- Belly bulge/unrealistic sex (it will fit, it's magical !)
- Kinky/slutty behavior
- Vaginal sex
- Oral sex
- Using her body/breasts as a cock warmer/for masturbation

Yellow (it depends from my mood and the preferences of my partner, so please ask me in OOC before playing)
- Long term RP (need preparation, which is why it's in my yellow lights)
- Devil contracts (long term)
- Shemale characters
- Female characters
- Paladin characters (she tends to avoid them because of their aura and their tendency to hunt her kind without asking questions)
- Anal sex

Red (I'm not interested to play with those, in addition to those banned by server rules)
- Anything leading to OOC drama
- Anything permanent on her without my consent AND a very good reason in RP
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling