
Gender: Male
Race: Alu'Tel'Quessir
Hair: Dark Blue
Eyes: White-Silver
Build: Athletic
Age: Hard to tell but appears to be young

To his brothers and sisters from the land Aelrindel is likely an oddity amongst the elven kind.

Blessed with the beauty of the elven kind this young Aquatic elven male's features are easy on the eye.

Aelrindel's build is a little more robust than that of other elven kind. His shoulders are broad and his limbs are long with well defined muscles. Gills can clearly be seen on each side of his neck and along his ribs. The young male's toes and fingers are webbed.

A mane of long and thick hair with dark blue hues cascades down his well toned figure and while on land threatens to obscure his vision. A pair of silver eyes, sparkling with curiousity, peer through the thick strands and stare unabashedly at anything he's not familiar with.

While his movements are quick, smooth and graceful in the water he's terribly clumsy on land.

His attire, if you could even call it that, exists entirely out of what can be found on the ocean floor and his 'loin-cloth'appears to be nothing more than sea-weed. A medailion in the shape of Dolphin dangles from a chain that he wears around his neck.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human