Telemnus Argrives

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Updated on: 2/20/2025

Rumors you may have heard about Telemnus Argrives:

He's incompetent in a fight and as likely to harm himself or his teammates. (Possibly confirmed.)
He's a devout cleric of some chaste god of the light, pure and holy.
He's a complete pervo who studies Eromancy, mind control, chemistry, and other dark arts.(Yes, chemistry is sooo dark.)
He's constantly running but only pretends he's busy to avoid people talking to him.
He's a slut who will screw anything.
He takes drugs to get his lean and well-defined musculature.
He got that scar, antagonizing a red hed.
He seems to live to antagonize red heads.

What you see:

Telemnus is 6'2, lean, and cut.  Not at all what you'd expect of a spell-caster.  Messy, spikey, hair with just a hint of blue, perfect for running fingers through.  His jaw tapers to a pointed chin, and when he stops running, he grins like he knows what you did.  His eyes are dark pools, taking in everything they see.  A small scar runs down from his left temple to his cheek, but the thin line could be mistaken for a simple crease, or wrinkle, from a distance.  

He stands poised and seemingly ready for anything.  His face is clean-shaven, and he smells variably like a barbershop, tannery, or a citrus field.  Hairless below the neck and skin that is pale and sun-starved, like an overly obvious vampire.  No pointy teeth though.  But nobody gets that lean and cut, naturally.  Good genes aren't that good.

Almost too many to list.....  
Anthropomorphs/Monster Girls
Consensual or Non Con (tell setups only please)
Quickies, One-Night Stands, Catch and release
Secret fuck buddies, rivals who fight, rivals who fuck (Yes please!)
Dirty Talk
Tel is a full switch and can dom a slut into their proper place or be the brattiest sub you ever came across.
Humiliation (Yes please!)
Filthy Talk
Capture/Kidnapping (both giving and receiving)
Mind Control
Filthy, filthy, dirty talk
Magic in ERP
Sci-Fi in RP
Sci-Fi in ERP - basically all comers.

Specific scenes or kinks are best discussed ahead of time.

People who ignore my reds.  (I wouldn't say it if it hasn't happened.)
Pregnancy - Pass, no thanks.
Feet - Gross!
Long Term Relationships - Sorry, those tend to not work out in this place.  Willing to discuss short term master/slave or Dom/Sub scenarios, but nothing permanent.  Set your expectations accordingly.
PDA's or public displays.  Once in a blue moon, fine, but not a fan of being trotted out or trotting pets out in public

Other typical server Reds - no kids, no scat, no meta.  No blood, gore, or vore.

//Additional History for the deep readers or extremely bored:

By now, a well-established presence in Sinfar, Telemnus Argrives can often be seen moving through the city streets with focus and direction, though he's quick with a smile or a friendly wave.  On occasion, he can be caught out lounging with a book in hand or perhaps napping under an awning, though these activities are very rare.  

The first thing you may have heard about Telemnus, is that he's a polymath.  A dedicated arcanist, all things magic interest him.  He'll often be caught perking his ears up at the first signs of a magical discussion.  He also exhibits significant religious scholarship, and has been seen praying and giving offerings, at various holy places all over Sinfar.  In addition, he's a talented engineer, of both mechanical and electronic constructs.  Often blending his skill sets together, to produce wondrous and insane creations of magic and science.

Rumors abound that he is both a dedicated laboratory scientist and a frequent field explorer.  If seemingly wandering the streets, unshaven and bleary-eyed, it's impossible to know if it's from a 30 hour run of straight lab work, or a ten day archeology dig.

He runs a consulting business out of House #1 in the Gate Ward, and leverages his skills to help the various denizens of Sinfar with their own adventures.  He's said to have done everything from Demonic Summoning and Expulsion, to war-counseling and strategic planning.  His portaling skills are significant.  He speaks over a dozen languages, and he does not seem to discriminate by client.  Taking on work from all types of people, be they pious or unholy.  He has been seen comfortably scribing a scroll in the Sinifer Library and just as comfortably sitting on the floor of a Radatoga space hanger, rewiring a power converter.  Though where and how he obtained all these varied skills, remains unknown.

His clothing is washed and well-kept.  He seems to prefer long coats and things with many pockets.  The very perceptive might notice at times his clothing has the air of someone who uses magic too much to clean, as opposed to more old-fashioned methods.

//Still here?  Wow, that was a lot of reading.  Thanks for going all the way down.  Have a cookie!  

//I'm VERY tell friendly.  For any reason.  RP or OOC matters, please don't hesitate.  Just be aware, time is a constant constraint these days as I'm often doing server work or events for folks.  It's a significant crunch on my availability, and another reason why long-term activities are a red light for me.  

Thanks and see you in-game!
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human