Flynnszik Leisht

Portrait Save
Name : Flynnszik Leisht
Race : Lizardfolk (Chameleon)
Gender : Natural Herm, Identifies male
Sex : Typically Female (Can grow a cock)
Orientation : Bisexual

Flynnszik is quite the towering figure : slender but tall, he looms over most people he approaches. He wasn't the strongest of his kind by any mean, but his height extremely helped when it came to physical displays of strength. His long digits reached out shamelessly toward whatever picked his curiosity, holding them possessively.

While his eyes were mostly expressionless, he had a rather mischevious, crude behavior, his lips pursing into a toothy grin whenever he felt amused by something. To most, he was haughty, rude and extremely straight-forward. It felt as if he was quite the uncaring individual, grasping in his clutch anything that he deemed interesting enough to keep around.

A faint aura of magic lingered around him, betraying his sorcerous origin.

Red Light : Death, Gore, Filthy themes and anything against the server rules.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf