
Portrait Save
Race: Ar'tel'quessir
Gender: Female
Sex: Female
Profession: Wizard/Archmage

A positively ancient ar'tel'quessir with a thick, fluffy frame that is absolutely uncharacteristic of The Fair Folk.

The cane in her hand suggests either trouble walking, or some command of the arcane. Even a quick glance would show she doesn't actually use the cane for walking, so it must be a magical implement of some kind.

The woman's skin is dusky and tanned, the golden hues of her people. Her frame however is unusual compared to the willowy normal of the elves, enough to cast some suspicion on the truth of her lineage. Given her apparent proclivity for magic however, the most obvious answer may simply be that her current form is the result of transmutation and an active effort to inspire lascivious thoughts in others. A very distinct possibility, given how the wizard seems to flaunt her luscious curves with tight-fitting outfits and short skirts.

Regardless, she's clearly a wizard, and a fairly skilled one, though she hardly acts it, caring more about her own personal entertainment - such that she hardly appears concerned with the idea of study or progressing her magecraft. One might assume that the elf is a reasonably powerful magician just by the way she carries herself, sufused with confidence.

She doesn't seem to carry any sort of holy symbol, though when pressed, she seems to pay homage to the various gods of joy and freedom, be they Alobal, Lliira, or even Bacchus.

The elf seems remarkably spry for her size and profession as well, and seems to radiate some odd, ritualistic magic. Anyone sufficiently skilled in magecraft might recognize the studs in her head as being part of a meditative process and ritual meant to strengthen the body.
Player:Ars Arcanum
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human