Hal'ue Maeviir

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Name: Hal'ue (Deft Artisan)
Family/House: Maeviir
Race: Half-Drow/Catling
Height: 3'0 (Catling Form), 4'7 (Firstborn Form)
Weight: *Smacks*
Hair: Raven
Skin: Ebony
Eyes: Topaz
Parents: Irae Maeviir ('Father') Tsu (Mother)
Sexual Preference: Bi-sexual

Whether she is in her four foot seven form or her three feet tall, Hal'ue Maeviir is all ebony skin topped with a flowing mop of dark hair and a cat tail to match. Large almond shaped jewels glittering topaz, alight with a sense of life, friendliness and possible mischief. A petite body with lithe limbs that look like they could snap like a dry reed, but flexible like a willow, visible curves through her clothes despite her size that in no way define as as a child, despite her height. Her small hands ending with deft fingers, as per her name, the minute scars and callouses that cover her fingers and palms tell that this one knows how to use her hands, the extendable claws will prove anyone who says differently wrong. Past the more often then not skirt covered rear, assuming one can ignore the dark, almost body length tail leads to flexible, slim legs ending in feet rather than paws.

To sum up simply; Playful, friendly, adventurous and an indiscriminant desire to claw her way to the top, literally. Rarely proud like a ordinary cat, but more than happy to give what she gets, treat her how you'd wish to be treated, but don't be surprised by her sudden desire to sit on a much taller individuals shoulder.

{{This is it for now, feel free to ask me oocly about stuff
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf