Jesse Butcher

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Work in progress, some minor adjustments will be made...some of the text might  be messy.

Race: Fiendblooded
Name: Jesse Butcher
Apparent Sex: Female
Birth Gender: Male.
Genitals: There's a big bulge for sure.
Apparent Age: Young adult.
Height: 6'3"
Build: Strong, fit, agile.
Skin Color: White
Eye color: Pale blue the one that can be seen.

Overall :
Feminine looking elfish creature, usually wearing leather armored clothes and carrying blades properly sheathed as well as a flintlock or three. Along with her usual weaponry, some arcane runes over  her face as well as arms suggest she ain't unfamiliar with the art, as well as a playful of scars of all types and sizes tell a tale of someone that been in more then a few battles.
Usually you'll find her smelling like tabacco, salty sea breeze and sweat,and clearly she doesn't really seem to be one that cares about her own appearance all that much. Her hair seems quite messy filled with tiny trinkets and stray dreadlocks here and there.

Reds: pedo(duh), diapers, nonsensical weirdness and creepy clingy stalkers.


Greens: : All else goes, if in doubt of something specific just ask.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human