Puss 'n' Boots

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*New Portrait on Oct 23rd 2019*

Name: Pussy 'n' Boots
Alias: Kitty
Gender: Female (Anthropomorphic Cat)
Orientation: Pansexual
Age: Young Adult
Height: Big enough to wear these boots.. Tall enough to reach this hat.
Weight: If you can't lift a cat... Why are you even alive?

The story....
The Prologue:

      Once Upon A Time,

There lived an Old Miller. He had 3 sons, owned a mill, a donkey, and a cat. The sons suffered daily toiling for the Old Miller. The donkey hauled things to and from the market, never quite fast enough feeling the sting of a whip on its ass daily. The cat was forced to wake up, get out of the sunny spot and hunt down vermin that often call mills "home".
The Old Miller was a bit of a drunkard and letch, who abused both his sons and animals.  One day, the Old Miller woke up quite dead... and was buried unceremoniously by his sons sometime just after breakfast, but before lunch.

Being the eldest, the 1st son claimed the mill for himself. (the selfish fucker!)
The 2nd son took the donkey.
The 3rd son, well.. he was left with the Cat.
The eldest married, had several children who all "worked" for Father Dearest. To be honest... They quickly became known as being the laziest and most unreliable miller family in all the Kingdom.  One night a donkey knocked a tool off a desk which caused a spark. The cluttered mill was packed tightly with flour. The resulting explosion was seen for many leagues!

The 2nd son found a hovel under a bridge, down by the river and took his donkey in with him...
As time passed, he started looking at the donkey... The poor jenny would see his leer and look away nervously. One nite after after drinking away his last few grubby coins, he came home and decided that the donkey was going to be his wife..  (To this day.. No one knows wat the 2nd son was drinking to inspire this scheme of his!) Pulling off his clothes, he walked up behind the unwitting jenny and thrust his cock into the poor donkey. The braying echoed off the stillness of water... followed by a heavy "Ooff!" and bone-crushing scream that went quickly silent. It appears the 2nd son didn't know too much about donkeys, because that jenny was actually a jack. And it did not enjoy that sort of attention. The jack trotted from the hovel ... the blood and entrails still sticking to it's hooves as it fled. One nite it somehow found its way back to the mill and wandered inside the dark building.

The Story:

The 3rd son as we know inherited a cat.
He was not at all impressed! Couldn't eat it..  barely enough meat on it quick meal. Perhaps eat the flesh and turn the furry pelt into a fifi...
Overhearing this... the mortified kitty said to the boy, "If you eat me and turn my skin into a fleshlight.... How will I ever win you the hand of the King's daughter?"
The greedy lad, upon hearing this... got quite the boner! For the King's Daughter had a luscious behind and a massive rack stuffed inside her bodice.

"And how shall thee get me thy King's daughter??"

"All I need is thy boots and hat!"

The boy tugged off his boots and hat and gave them willingly to the cat.
"Meet me by the lake near the capitol in a fortnite."
Donning the clothes, the cat sprinted into the King's Forest. The next morning the Cat approached the castle gates with a bag over her shoulder...
Halberds lowered, barring the Cat from entering.. "I must meet with the King!"
A guard demanded to know the Cat's business... She promptly reached in the sack and pulled out several rabbits. "I bear gifts from the Marquis de Connerie to the King!"

Obviously the booted and capped feline is an ambassador.. and was immediately given audience with the King.

Bowing deeply, the Cat addressed the King, "Greetings your grace! I represent the Marquis de Connerie... Who bade me to send you these which you covet so dearly!" The Cat produced the sack of rabbits and laid them out at his feet. The King squealed with delight, for he was barely halfway completed his
Bunny-themed furry suit.  

"This will be enough to get me at least 3/4's of the way complete! Daughter!!! Come see!"

"The Marquis de Connerie only asks for the hand of your beautiful daughter and he shall provide thee with enough rabbits to complete thy desired furry suit."
The King's Daughter, who was even hotter than the boy had envisioned smiled and taking hold of the kitty hugged her tightly against her heaving chest. She kissed the Cat softly on the cheek and whispered into the Cat's ear, before slowly putting her back on the floor.

"How long till your Master arrives???"

"Sire, he travels leisurely, and will be here in a fortnite."

"Ooooooh... I cannot wait so long to finish my bunnysuit!  We shall head out immediately so that I can finish my suit... annd.. err.. oh yes... my Daughter can be wed"

The next morning the King's entourage departed.
A few days' out, the Cat informed the King that she should make haste, travel ahead to inform the Marquis of their impending arrival.

The Cat hurried off and not far off, she found the boy, naked, covered in filth as he "assisted" some young shepherd with buggering  his herd of cows.
She crept up, stealing their clothes and tossing them down a deep hole just as the King's entourage crested the hill.

Leaping up onto the hindquarters of an unsullied bovine the Cat; in a loud voice and a bit of flourish announced, "Your Royal Highness! May I introduce my Master...  The Marquis de Connerie!
However, my Master was obviously not expecting you and has been more occupied by being dick deep in these oxen!"

In a rage, the King demanded the boys be put to the sword and the cattle to be butchered. The Cat smiled as the bloodshed ensued... She nuzzled up to the princess who held her snugly . They had an impromptu feast of roasts & ribs..

Afterwards, they all sat by the fires feeling stuffed and satiated. All but the King, who glumly sat on his portable throne lamenting about how he will never get his suit made...  The Cat whispered into the princess' ear and laid an even larger bag of rabbits at the King's feet ...  
"For you, Majesty! Now you may finish your suit.  And all I humbly ask is that you give me to your daughter, for she wept to me that 'My father has his rabbits to wear as he wishes... But when shall he gift his daughter with a fine Puss she can pet and kiss?' "

The King granted his daughter's wish, and they travelled back to the castle and lived Happily Ever After!

Until, one day a rather large and cheerful bunny wandered into a huntsman's snare.... Ohhh myyy!"

The new Queen and her Puss lived Even More Happily Ever After..

       The End.....

              Happy Hallowe'en!

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human