Willow Blake

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Name: Willow
Race: Appears human
Gender: Female
Age: Appears early twenties
Height: 5 feet 4 inches
Weight:  110 lbs.
Build: Curvaceous and toned.
Her blue black hair curved in long waves around her face, falling nearly to her waist. Her skin was flawless, pale and creamy. She kept her full lips as well as her long fingernails painted a deep wine color. Her eyes were lined in a dark liner. Thick black lashes framing her near silvery colored eyes that would glitter in the moonlight. Oftentimes now they leaned to the aqua blue side. But other times they were bright silver.  Her curvy body is always well dressed in expensive fabrics, with designs intended to draw one in. One could be fairly certain she comes from nobility of some kind with the way she dresses to her movements.  

She smells fantastic, a warm, dark, heady scent of amber, a woodsy scent, all mixed with scents of the sea, saltwater and sun.

Her hips give a tantalizing sway when she walks, her legs toned and strong from years of traveling (and running).  

She generally wears high collars, or thick collared necklaces to conceal. If one happens to see her without, they might notice her throat is littered with what appears to be faded scars.... are those teeth marks? She also has a thin scar from a sharp blade right at the point of her jugular if one was really paying attention and it wasn't covered.

Her skin is cool to the touch but not cold, the cold does not seem to bother her as much as it would a human perhaps.

She is very inviting, not just in her appearance but in her demeanor as well.

There is much pleasure to be had when she feeds, a heightened, euphoric feeling washing over the victim after she sinks her teeth into them.This usually makes them less inclined to fight back as they forget what is actually happening. The euphoric feeling may even make one feel as though they had just participated in hours of foreplay, kept on the edge of climax, but not quite pushing one over. It is nearly enough to drive someone delirious, making it easier to manipulate them into what she wants. However, If this feeding is coupled with a sexual act, it can be downright explosive for both parties.

Her big brother Lorcan tends to be overbearing in his protectiveness, but she is quite fond of him regardless.

In some ways she may seem a very old soul (as in reality she is) But in others, having been turned at a young age, she can seem very young at times, with certain things.

//Bio is a WIP. Tell friendly, if you have any questions or ideas for RP, don't hesitate. Prefer to RP and let things build. Nothing against server rules.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf