
Name: Auram
Gender: Male (?)
Race: Fau'krith
Height: 4'9" (Normally)
Build: Lean, overall physically weak. (Most of the time)

 The feline can be seen in any one of three forms, all of which are detailed here! Scroll down to find the proper description if the first one does not apply.

--Collared Form--
 Before you stands a slender catlike being, covered from head to tail in a fine layer of velvety, chocolate brown fur, with a mane of similarily coloured hair atop their head. His chest, belly, and the insides of his thighs however are a lighter hue of brown. The cattish man seems to be overall somewhat feminine in build, albeit remaining largely androgynous by nature...
 By large he is quite feline in appearance; He has large, triangular ears atop his head, as well as a furred muzzle and slitted, emerald green eyes which watch the world with subtle trepedition. Naturally, he bears a tail roughly a foot shorter than he himself is tall, as well as a pair of backwards-bending digitigrade legs which end in soft, padded paws. His figure is hardly muscled at all, built moreso for agility and speed than any noteworthy feats of strength - Even then however he will often be seen stumbling clumsily over his own feet, to be saved, only by the spastic twisting of his tail and arms, from an impromptu meeting with the ground.
 At almost all times the catlike man can be found with a simple leather collar about his neck, a plain green gemstone set at the throat casting off a subtle glow. Similarily, a jade pendant, carved into some unknown tribal figure, is affixed into a braid of hair and dangling to the left of his face. The pendant, however, does not glow. It doesn't take much skill with magic to tell that the collar is heavily enchanted, though one more skilled in the arcane arts might be able to tell that it once had even stronger magics instilled into it.
 Those who catch the feline naked or that have a particularly keen sense of smell will discover that, as opposed to a more masculine sex, the feline instead bears a thin, decidedly feminine slit betwixt his legs.

--Collarless Form--
 Should the collar ever be removed, the green gemstone at his throat briefly flares with light, absorbing its latent enchantments upon the cat almost immediately. In this case he undergoes a quick, albeit curious looking transformation.
 The first change is that his fur rapidly grows more pale in colour, the normally chocolate-hued strands growing more coarse and lighter in colour, until they resemble more the colour of light coffee mixed with an excess of cream. Through this change the cattish man is seen to be growing in height, reaching an even five-foot-six within about ten seconds; Though this alteration has a toll, as he seems to grow skinny with hunger as a result.
 Overall he seems largely similar in build and appearance to his normal self, though it takes but a glance (or a good nose) to detect that he now has a properly furred sheath and sack in the place of the usual feminine lips.
 It takes only an educated guess to know that the collar is responsible for his usual appearance, though a more knowledgable individual would likely come to the conclusion that, even without the collar, the feline looks nothing like what he should look like without the magical alterations... It would seem that the collar was bestowed upon him at a fairly young age, and as such stunted his natural growth by a significant amount.

 Should, however, the feline then put on a bracer made of ornately rune-carved ironwood, lined with silver wire and inset with small rubies, he will undergo a second, much more immediate change.
 He will swiftly reach a height of seven-foot-two, his body overall becoming quite masculine in appearance whilst his fur grows to a pale white in colour, feeling rough to the touch. He seems to grow significantly stronger under the effects of the bracer's enchantments, claws growing to seem razor-sharp, his incisors growing into a set of vicious looking fangs
 In this appearance his fur, namely on his torso, pelvis, and thighs, is dyed with black, forming unknown tribal markings along the muscled figure of his newly enlarged body. Even his newly generously-sized sheath and balls have such markings, though those will almost always be hidden from view...
 The bracer would, if successfully identified, prove to be a Trueform Bracer. That is to say that it bestows upon the wearer the physical form that they would have had if some major life-altering event from their past not happened. As such the effects will vary wildly from person to person. For some they might notice that but a single tattoo is missing, whilst for others they might find themselves undergoing significant changes similar to Auram. It would be possible to tweak the enchantments to specify specific "Ifs" in the past, such as changing "What if the key changing point in their life never happened" into "What if their parents were of species ____"... Naturally, such changes would drastically alter the outcome, though such changes also require significant magical talent to pull off reliably.

 Sometimes you just need a good fish and a ball of yarn to advance through the day. Sometimes, that's all you need.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human