Luka Tretheway

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Luka "Ghost" Trethewey
Height: 5'11"
Hair Color: Chestnut brown, greying at temples and streaks
Eye Color: Brown
Apparent Age:  40+

Dark eyes sit in sallow sockets their luster long lost, like many other aspects of this man. The years show their toll in the gauntness of his frame, looking always a little too thin for his stature which one imagines must've bolstered a hale and hearty man so many moons ago, perhaps before the salt began to pepper his hair, if of course someone even noticed him. The man was a drifter, and not one to draw undo attention to himself, sequestering himself to more solemn climes and for a man whose bread is sung and strung for surprisingly averse to crowds.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human