Torstenn Hadalkson

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Name: Torstenn Hadalkson
Age: 28
Hair: Silver blond
Height: 6,10 ft.
Race: Human? Being that large, who knows.
Eyes: Bright thunder blue

Torstenn, son of Hadalk. Insatiable adventurer, brave fighter and proud warrior of the Ruathem.

Somehow, this man seems to be hailing from Faêrun, as many others that eventually reached these strange shores before him. First thing that comes to the eye aside from his very impressive height and physique even for a norse, is his silver blond hair, dressed in a very long braid at his back, adorned with runes and feathers at the end of it, which betray his Ruathym origins, running along his back until his waist.

His face is rather angular, with a strong jaw, straight nose and one or two scars on his cheeks and eyebrow. His mouth is usually curved into, either a sly smirk of confidence, or a battle ready expression tainted with the thrill of combat and adrenaline excitement. His beard is well taken care of, with a couple braids there and there, but it is not overgrown at all. At the end of each braid of beard, there's a steel adornment with a rune.

His body is sculpted through blood and sweat, which is also usually on display due to the warm temperatures of Sinfar and its archipelago, unless he wears his combat breastplate or he is in the very few ice islands in there. His muscles are large, solid and with a few scars, but none of them that could be considered excessively gruesome. His upper back and shoulders are painted with a long tattoo with sea motives, interlaced with other norse and tribal tattoos along his left arm, which stop at his wrist.

However, when he's wearing his armor, none of these tattoos are easy to be seen, as his left arm is usually armored as an extra protection, alongside a pelt and metal made cuirass. This is due to the large weapons he usually carries around, depending on the day: Greatswords, mauls or axes, it doesn't matter. He's trained to wage war and kill, and that's what he does best... Amongst other things.


OOC: I must warn you beforehand, I am a spanish player (so most likely I will favor RP in that language sometimes depending on my mood), therefore my english may not be perfect. I try my best and I consider I have a fairly decent level, but I might be subject of typos and some grammar mistakes (if not absolute ignorance on my parte, even!) so if you feel uncomfortable about that, tell me right away; but I am always open to enhance my english!

I am extremely tell friendly as well, always open to RP and plot with nice people.

For lights; ask me or find out IC, just try to keep drama away and act with common sense please!
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human