
Portrait Save
Race: Human
Gender: Full Female (options available if it goes that way)
Orientation: Bot/sub leaning, switch.

A young woman of gentle-seeming nature. A light smile upon her face, a sweet, calming fragrance, as if a mixture of light flowery perfume to mask a scent of herbs that seems to cling to her for some reason, yet it isn't a bad odor by any means. Her movements are graceful, carry intent, and paired with a witty mind Mizuki is a force of her own once she gets going, albeit as rare as that is.

Owner of the Three Leaf Hall.

Reds: watersports, nasty stuff, scat, short emotes during erp, males

Yellows: noncon. bois.

Green: females, shemales, herms, pretty much anything else here! Longer term stuff is a plus. Anything from vanilla to something more intense.

Tell friendly! I don't bite too hard. Approach friendly as well.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human