
Portrait Save
Race: Sun Elf
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 155 lbs
Eye color: Golden
Orientation: Bi

Ulayra has a haughty attitude of a sun elf noble, seeing most beings as inferior to her. Never having to care about material means, she lives her life submerged in debaucheries and pursuit of any hobby she might find interesting at any given moment.

The state of perpetual boredom made her seek thrills and experiment, often in not entirely safe ways, be it in magic, exploration or in bedroom.

She possesses a mature, sinful body with ample curves, but despite her debaucherous lifestyle she keeps herself in shape, her body quite athletic in places where her aluring curves do not hide it.

In her seeking of thrills, she traveled over to Sinfar after hearing what the land was like and was now ready to fully enjoy what the land has to offer.

Red: Permanent mutilation, stuff against server rules
Green: The rest
White: Anal, Rimming, Messy sex, Long-term relationships, Summoning demmons (Either as obedient servants, or having a stronger demon break from her control and turn tables on her), Muscular partners, Foot play, Sexual overuse
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human