Experenza Horda

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As if straight outta a scary zombie-horror nightmare, Experenzas' eyes burn with nercromantic madness an'
controlled wickedness.

Lich-queen of the city state of Anghar, planewalker, spellslinger of occult powers & puppetmaster of undead horrors.
The first powerful villain to be defeated (not destroyed) by holy warrior Dumas.
Among the first to become a trusty ally when his soul turned wicked.
From the planes of madness (her soul was banished there), Dumas returned the philactery.
Experenza's reward; her aid in achieving his own lichdom.

for reasons known to herself, Experenza now serve Dumas as the de facto drill instructor & tutor to members of his mercenary band "the Hounds of Hell", also as personal aide to himself.

This character is ment for lite rp and exp grindin aid.
No erp.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human