Roland Crowder

Portrait Save
You see about 6'1" tall human. Dark hair, though most of it is in thick goatee-like beard form. Pale blue eyes often seem to watching all the wonders of Sinfar around him in quiet curiosity. Clearly somewhat lost and bewildered among the wonders the city has to offer.  When speaking seems to be speaking in sort of relatively soft tones. Seems to be wearing often enough simple clothing and a sword scabbard on the back. His general broad shouldered physique tells a tale of some sort of fighter most likely. However he carries with him often enough spell scrolls and other arcane supplements too. Sometimes seen with a black bird, a familiar to those with knowledge of spells. Very protected among his possessions, one might even venture to find an arcane spell book.

Seen naked, though, as rare as he might be see. He has a web of scars form practicing ritual magic. They form protective spells, from basic scrying, fiendish entities and even divine sources. As such evil and good aligned outsiders might have hard time mind or controlling.

Rumors of his past might come up, if one were to go looking into Roland's background. He is in fact on some sort of exile from somewhere far away. He has an ex-wife "back home" where ever it may be.

I like:
Long term, plot, story, romance, darker themes (especially magicy type stuff, trying to assert control over demons, scrying/spying on "enemies", necromantic rituals, curses and hexes), drama (roleplayed).

Middle ground:
Short term (okay sometimes)

Not really into:
Gross out stuff, overtly gore-ish things (in sexual situations), heavy torture, drama (out of character).
Player:Gallows Bird
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human