Herbaceous Smith

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Here's a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry, be happy
In every life we have some trouble
But when you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy

Credit to the obvious...

Herbaceous 'Herb' Smith was the apple of his mother's eye, destined to be the next in a long line of druidic natured souls.

Herbaceous began to show talent at a very young age. A knack for manipulating the elements and for channelling energies. As clear as something wasn't quite right, he was still raised in the family traditions, living a simple life and generally enjoying the calm serene of his family's existence. Even as the village cast him out when his mother could no longer hide the fact his natural talent was for the arcane and not nature.

Cast aside, stripped of his place in the community and even scorned by the family of the young lady he'd hoped to court, Herbaceous harboured no ill will to any. A gentle kiss on the cheek for his mother, a firm shake of his father's hand and a crystalized rose left for the young lady, off he went to see the world.

Herbaceous wasn't going to let such a tragic twist of fate get him down! Oh no, not when he had a new world to explore!

LIfe is far too short to dwell on the negative, after all.

Red: The obvious
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human