
Portrait Save
Dhorna is tall for a  tiefling and built like a powerhouse. underneath some heavy armor hides bulging muscles and a pretty bountiful bosom.
She ain't no child of a succubus tho, as Dhorna lust for battle n' blood. Combined with hot temper and a foul mouth she tend to get into trouble.
Her explosive anger has served her well however, since not originaly part of the mercenary band 'Hounds of Hell' has required she prove herself in combat.

Dhorna's got the horns and tail like most tieflings, and her looks are pretty good despite a lot of scars (big an small) all over her stout body. She has the sex appeal of a brutish fighter and walks with a bit of "boxer's swag" to her gait.
A large black n' badass-looking greatsword hangs down her back most of time.

^^^ Things she will and won't do ^^^
Red list;
Disgusting stuff: scat, piss, puke n spit. No gore (not in erp at least)
Animals: Don't do them, won't do furries either
Cheating: Play fair. No f*king server rule breakin or godmode shit
Drama: ain't here for ooc shit talk or trolling
Slavery: Don't enslave her, yah won't enjoy it.
Romane: she's currently taken. not a cuddly type tho
Pedio-stuff: see a shrink. (count for small pcs too)

Yellow list;
Femboys: situational. Generally like her men manly.
Obnoxious pcs and clowns: no naggy, supersilly or trolly shit
Rough play: if yah give, expect receiving too
Sizes (parts): make f'king sense!
Cum: don't wanna swim in it

Green list;
Males, females, shemales, light bdsm (Dhorna is bit on the 'bossy side', can be soft to right person), rape, vanilla, sex toys, anal, vaginal, cocks (won't go horse tho), breastplay.
cool friends, nice roleplay, adventure stuff n events. good PvP
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human