
Portrait Save
Name: Realta
Race: Visually, some kind of wolf
Sex: Always Female
Age: Appears late twenties
Height: 6' 1" (roughly 1.85m)
Build: Modestly Curvy
Eyes: Bright Blue (Glowing at night)
Scent: None
Orientation: Yes


- What you see -
By all accounts, Realta looks every bit like your typical wolffolk girl - thick coat of fur, wolf-like patterning and coloration, big bushy tail, attentive ears, keen eyes, and set of sharp chompers mate for eating meat. Unlike most of her apparent kin, however, Realta doesn't even attempt the typical modesty expected of her by furless sorts. The wolf wears no clothing of any kind and has nothing on her body save for a curious mask in the shape of a wolf's skull that seemed to be a separate entity, but has no apparent straps or other fastenings to keep it on. It fits her just about perfectly, too.

Behind it, a luscious mane of thicker fur sprouts from her skull and her nape and cascades well past her shoulders, terminating at the middle of her back. It and the fur about her head and shoulders is a dark, natural black and a thin trail of the same runs the full length of her dorsal side out to the tip of her tail. Beneath it, most of the rest of her body is a dark blue-gray well on its way to black, covering her back, limbs, and most of the rest of her tail. On her fore, might lighter fur of the same overall color runs all the way down, filling out her chest, belly, lap, and inner thighs, with a little even fanning out under the base of her tail.


- What you don't see -
Realta might have been a wolffolk at one point, but no longer. In reality, she is an apparition in the image of a former life, visible and tangible, but not entirely there. This becomes easier to notice at night when, under the light of the moon, her eyes take on a ghostly blue glow and her form seems to fade ever so slightly at the edges when one's attention isn't focused on her. Her voice, otherwise a pleasant melody, takes on a curiously ethereal note, very subtly distorted, that lends her more of that ghostly charm. Her temperature cools from the inside out as the illusion of life fades, chilling her breath, but not quite her touch. Those brave enough to lay a hand on her will find her fur still filled with a lifelike warmth and still just as tangible as it is in sunlight.

Less apparent is what effect her presence has on the living. It's a subtle thing that most wouldn't notice without prolonged contact: a very sight draining that becomes stronger the longer one spends in her company. The outward symptom is easy enough to catch; Realta has a tendency to pick up on peoples' emotions and, in some cases, may even mimic them herself, becoming more excitable in the presence of people in high spirits or more gloomy in the company of the dour. Given that she doesn't seem to eat any solid foods, one might wonder just what it is she draws her energy from.

(DC 35 Spellcraft)
Those able to catch onto her may well come to realize that Realta feeds from the very emotions of those around her. Especially strong emotions such as euphoria, rage, or terror seem to be her favorites and provide her with the most energy. Those who spend too much time around her will feel symptoms of fatigue. In particular, anyone experiencing intimate contact with her will feel more drained than usual at the end of it all, and spending a night with her will almost universally cause incredibly deep slumber.


Given the nature of the character, lights are seldom a factor and Realta will, by and large, be on board for most things. Below, however, are a set of some player lights that I would appreciate be respected. Just because Realta doesn't mind it doesn't mean I wouldn't.

Green Lights:
Basically anything not listed below. If something crops up that I'm not enjoying, I'll pump the brakes and let you know a line is being crossed

Yellow lights:
Dub-Con | Violence | Intersex Partners | Excessive size difference (mood dependent) | Heavy BDSM Themes (I find overly complex setups boring in writing) | Excessive Emphasis on Roles (Dom/Sub, Master/Slave, whatever)

Red Lights:
Underage Partners | Bathroom Stuff | Gore | Vore | Rape | Basically the usual stuff you'd see here - anything generally unsavory or otherwise very niche (If unsure, propose a subject and I'll let you know if I'm open to it)
Player:Ghost Pupper
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human