Jolene Weaver

Portrait Save
  A cute round face, framed in light dirty-blonde hair, is nearly obscured by the large wire-rimmed glasses she wears.
  Her skin is pale, showing she spends little time in the sun, free of unsightly blemishes or scars.
  She has been blessed, or cursed, with a curvy frame; ample breasts, narrow waist, and broad hips which gives her a pleasant hourglass figure.
    Nose usually stuck in a book, she might seems oblivious to her surroundings; and if her reading, or drawing, or writing is interrupted she tends to be awkwardly shy around most.

--Not looking to have her physical appearance transformed in any way, she's a human woman, and will remain that way.
--No breaking of the server rules.
--No vomit or scat in intimate situations.
--Ridiculously over-proportioned anatomy is a turn-off.
--Romance and vanilla are just stale and meh.
--Don't do OOC set-up's of any kind, sorry

--With exceptions stated above, all RP is welcome.
--A strong preference towards darker themes.
--Non-humans preferred over common races.
--Love toys, equipment, and binds; light BDSM.

>>Character was not made with PvP, or even PvM in mind. She's for RP only<<
Player:Average Jolene
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human