Blake Narfel

Portrait Save
Name: Blake Narfel
Race: Human?
Age: appears in his early 20's
Gender: Male
Hair: Raven black, with a nicely trimmed goatee.

 You see a well dressed human with a suite, black tie, black jacket and black buster. clearly well dressed as if from the higher end of society. He moves around as if every step and breath is well calculated and thought out giving him a sort of grace about him.

he has clearly spent most his life in study. his nose buried in a book most his life. This doesn't mean he isn't unaware of humor or social norms, just not to good with human interaction(think awkward book worm virgin type) magical beings draw him in though.
However it does mean he is clueless to advances made by females.

 If asked he'll simply say investigator or gentleman scholar, of what sort and what exactly you would need to RP for details.

Around town:
you may see him with a strange book from time to time. Those skilled in spell craft can tell he has a aura of acrane power about him.


White: romance, clever innuendos, a since of humor(dark humor) conversation, books, spells, studying magical beings and items. learning new things.
Open to corruption(demons/undead) give em horns, take his soul and watch him slowly shift into darkness, wing, bony appendages.

Greens: interesting creatures to study in detail. Walks, adventures, going on hunts of mythical or powerful items.

Yellows (must ask oocly): scars, tattoos, perm effects.

Reds: normal server stuff no bathroom stuff. his idea of water sports would be drowning you with a spell. men in ERP, ladies with dicks in ERP.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human