
Race: Arcanaloth (Hood covers horns)
Age: Without a doubt, above twenty-five, but younger than five hundred.
Sex: Cis Female
Sexuality: Straight?
Languages: All, Telepathy (120 FT)

Familiar's Name: Vex

A Pseudodragon (familiar, Celestial) would be within her coat, or perched on her shoulder.

The orange fox creature had a permanent resting bitch face, bright-white teeth snarling out from her lips.

Her eyes are a piercing ember color.

Her horns, normally tucked away underneath her hood, where sharpened to a point.

She wore a hooded grey-leather jacket, adorned with crimson red. Her pants made of black leather, the right shin adorned with metal spikes.

She had a few different books, pouches, and scrolls strapped to her hip.

A pair of glasses rested on her nose. These held her 'true sight'.

~*~Things you might know, if you're a high ranking Fiend, in order of rarity~*~

She lost her True sight in a betting game with an Devil.

She's part of an Intelligence and Investigation wing of a Yugoloth mercenary group.

She use to assist Devils in the Blood War by relaying troop movements.

She may of also been relaying troop movements to Demons, however these claims are unproven.

~*~Lights if not listed feel free to ask if you're unsure~*~

Green Light: Long term story building. Realistic build-up to events. Long-winded stories.

Red Light: Anything against the server rules (duh). Power gaming.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human