Poppy Hammertime

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         Character sheet

NAME: Poppy Hammertime
NICKNAME: ...just Poppy
RACE: gnome
GENDER: female
AGE: young adult
SKIN COLOR: light blue
EYE COLOR: purple
HEIGHT: 3'2'' (about 96,5 cm)
WEIGHT: 50 lbs (about 22,7 kg), hammer not included
BUILD: athletic
FEATURES: twintails, huge long pointy ears


Barely reaching 1 meter tall, Poppy isn't much bigger than your normal gnome. Even though, her skin is not a common sight, being of a light blue color while her body is athletic because of her constant training. Yet it is actually her face that stands out the most, being bigger than it should be. Her ears are pointy and protruding, a bit dropping akind to a cute puppy - they often show her emotions the same way. Her big purple eyes are constantly looking around, as if she was searching for something. Last but not least, her white hair is always worn with two huge pigtails that are dropping from each side of the back of her head.

This cute blue pumpkin is rarely seen without her plate armor put above a chain shirt (with skirt), as if she was ready for battle at any time. She usually wraps a red scarf around her neck and put leather gloves on her hands. Her clothes are worn like she was traveling a long time outside. Of course, her most distinctive feature is her huge hammer, making almost twice of her own size. It is obviously a masterwork weapon made for the hands of humans, with fine golden details on its head. It is clear she takes great care of it, always shining clean whenever she's seen with it (which is all the time). Nevertheless, she swings it like it was meant for her and doesn't seem fazed by its weight - even though she's the first to admit it's even heavier than it looks !


There are few people who are as tenacious as Poppy. Once her mind is focused on a task, nothing will be able to stop her. It doesn't matter how hard it is, how many obstacles are in her way or even if it's impossible - once she gives her word, she will fulfill it or die trying.

Since her force of will is quite amazing, it is very confusing to see she also has a very poor sense of self. She's really tough on herself, fascinated by the qualities of others while not seeing her own. That is not to say she's unable to act when it matters, on the opposite - she's always giving her all without holding back anything.

Given her high sense of responsabilities, she can be seen as having a very serious personnality - some may even say she has another hammer stuck deep into her ass to be that stiff. This is not really accurate, since she can be flexible when she needs to be and has a very special sense of humor. The truth is, she can be very dense on occasions, especially when it's about others praising her for her heroic actions.

For Poppy, stability and order are very soothing and she's troubled by anything that could disturb that peace of mind. To be honest, chaos only makes her remember how alienated she is to her own species, and she's not very fond of that thought. Still, she's able to endure it if it doesn't have serious consequences on the lives of others - otherwise, she would not hesitate to act swiftly.

Poppy admires humans a lot. She tries not to be a bother for them, but she enjoys their company. Because of her own history, she tends to speak her mind as it is and is never afraid to say things as they are. Even though she experienced a lot in her long life, she can act like she's an innocent child in many aspects and is always fascinated to learn new details about the humans she look up to so much. She may be quite gullible in that aspect, but she isn't stupid and will lecture sternly those who trick her - using words as often as her hammer to that purpose.


Poppy's home is the Feylands - more specifically the Court of Winter. She didn't feel right amongst her fellows because of her natural tendency to order and general lack of humor sense, which means she was pranked a lot (even though she never gets the jokes and her reactions were too boring for the feys to be really enjoying them). One day, she had enough and walked past a portal to the material plane without a gaze behind.

It was tough for her, since everything was so completely different from the Feylands - especially the fact she could die for good. She nearly met her end to a pack of monsters when she was rescued by a human party worshipping the god Torm the True. They took her with them at their local temple, where she showed a great interest for their dogmas. There, she found her purpose as well as people who could finally understand her. Since that time, she tried to follow the principles of her rescuers - most of the time to the letter, even if it led to more than an awkward situation.

One day as she returned from a mission outside, she found the temple in ruin and her comrade lost or dead. Only one was barely alive as he asked her to take care of a relic left behind before drawing his last breath. She swore to never let it fall in wrong hands and give it back to a true servant of Torm as she took it with her with utmost respect.

Of course, the relic in question is her huge hammer - a weapon clearly meant for human hands, yet it strangely fits her. She thinks she's unworthy of wielding it - not realizing that she may actually be that very one person she's looking for.

Now, she's wandering accross the lands in her personnal quest - and if along the way she can find clues about the culprits behind the destruction of the only place she could have truly called home, well it would be the better.

         OOC Information

I can roleplay in English as well as in French - since French is my first language, please forgive me if I make some mistakes while writing.

This character is mainly meant for RP and adventures (PvE with some roleplaying inside). She can be seen fighting in the arena, but I don't play her seriously for PvP - it's more for RP purposes than winning at all costs with an optimized build.

She's indeed inspired from LoL's Poppy.

My time zone is GMT +01:00. I live in Central Europa, so it is highly possible we play at different hours - especially if you are on the other side of the sea. I usually play in the evening.

I am very /tell friendly. If you have any question or want to talk about a scene before playing, please don't be shy - I will try to answer you as soon as possible.

As for ERP, here are a few guidelines :

What I'm okay with :
- Heroic / good aligned characters
- Adventure based relationships
- Vanilla sex
- Cuddles / head petting
- Size difference (playing with a taller partner)
- Belly bulge / unrealistic penetrations to a certain degree (she can take a human / half orc sized cock, but not something way too huge for her)

What I avoid :
- Stalkers
- Sadism / cruelty
- Anything that could lead to OOC drama
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human