
An obvious half-elven girl, with her almond shaped, forest green eyes, angular features, and those tapered ears allows her elven blood to shine through. She possess a slightly more down to Earth type of beauty, rather than the alien allure of pure elves. But, her human side has given her all it's best traits as well: a sturdy frame with larger-than-average-breasts, slim waist, and broad hips. Her muscle-tone more defined throughout her upper body, wiry, rather than bulky, in proportion to her over-all feminine frame. Her legs are solid, long and shapely, sculpted by years of foot travel and horse riding.

By the blue tint to her hair, and the color of her eyes, it's not hard to tell her elf-blood comes from the moon elves.

Included in her rather simple equipment is a well used blacksmiths hammer, tongs, a file, and a thick leather apron, usually kept stored in a weather resistant backpack.

She's the kind of woman that seems completely oblivious to male attention, unless it's made painfully obvious. Though she appears to have little interest in the attentions, whether from male, female, or other.


Usual "no breaking server rules" applies. Player will otherwise go with the flow of the RP, preferring to be in the submissive role, never dominant. If anything comes up I'm not comfortable with, I'll say in a polite tell.

Please no bombarding me with random tells for (E)RP, it's the fastest way to make me uninterested. Thank you for your understanding.
Player:Dual Bloodline
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf