Nokhailaedhaz The Uncanny

Portrait Save
This Goblin almost looks like he should belong in a cave and seems barely concerned with the dignity or customs of the civilized world. Nok' is often in flimsy and cheap clothes. He carries with him the scent of the slums but also the wilderness of the forests.

His skin is dark and green, without a trace of hair anywhere from the neck down. A wild mane of reddish hair, braided in parts, cascades down to his shoulders. His pronounced, stone-rigid muscled physique is perfectly statuesque in its appearance, and looks pretty odd on an ugly creature like him. He has a typical goblin face, however rugged, but his smile is cruel and unsettling, and his ravenous eyes seem to offer nothing but dark promises especially when they fall upon a woman that suits his tastes.


Lights :

Green : Too many to list, i go with the flow of the RP.

Yellow : mood dependant

Red : Permanent death or mutilation, all stuff against server's rules.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Gnome