Dalton Caldoren

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Height: 6 feet 6 inches
Weight: 310 pounds
Eyes: Green
Hair: Steel Grey

A grizzled bear of a man in his mid 50's, his best years are far behind him. There still seems to be plenty in his tank though, thick corded arms, massive shoulders, and a broad barrelled chest still leave the man with an imposing figure.

The first thing anyone would notice other than his size, is the size of the massive, intricately braided beard. Hanging down to his stone like stomach, three large braids make up the majority of it. Four smaller braids lie weaved between those, the tips much darker than the steel gray that comes from the man's face.

Deep green eyes peer at a world that have seen much in their own right. Few people might remain that once saw the old grizzly bear as a loudmouthed scoundrel, a warrior, a general, or even a king. Though fewer still may remember him as such.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human