Otar The Foul Blood

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Before you stands a tall man with a short shaved sides of his head and a top ponytail, dyed in green. His face doesn't look like it was human face. The features of his face were more like he was some sort of animal, he looks rather feral. Eyes are orange and pupils are of a snake. His whole skin is covered by thin, almost invisible scales, that are rather hard on touch. Two wide red wings can be seen on his back as well as a red tail, clearly reminding the features of red dragon disciple, the blood of which he posessed.

This man clearly doesn't look beautiful and makes the impression of a rather foul person. Though, one might see something charismatic in his behavior that would compensate the physical appearance. With a pair of wings and a tail behind he looks like some sort of a devil.
When you look in his eyes he usually meets you with a relaxed look and a faint shadow of a smile. His eyes are, full of curousity, evaluating you...


Otar has never known his parents. He was an orphan in a distant, forgotten by civilization village. He has been on his own for all the time he has known himself.
Life has never been busy for Otar. He wasn't like others and it caused him a lot of pain. His appearance was a reason of mockery. And so Otar learned to hate, hating back those who despised him. His blood boils in his venes, possessing power he didn't yet know about, though it was quite obvious taken his unusual face.
Though, even in a black, burning from rage heart of Otar was a place for something beautiful. He loved music and nothing inspired him like music. Once he had stolen a lute from a bard from the village, but couldn't get to make it sound any pleasant. Later, the bard had found out about the thief but instead of vengeance... helped Otar to learn to play a lute. That bard was the only person Otar didn't hate. It was the only person could ever call a friend, a teacher.
Though... They weren't to be together for long. The hard days of winter and a times of war have come and it hit hard on a village Otar lived in. And it made villagers feel so desperate that they needed to find a reason for their suffering... and they have found it. Arming with pitchforks and torches they have attacked Otar and the Bard, burning him with fire, piercing their flesh by pitchforks and knives. When the men fallen down they have thrown their bodies in the pile to rot. But at the next morning the bodies disappeared...  How Otar managed to cheat the death itself and what happened to that other Bard is unknown, but it clearly was only the beginning of Otar's story as he went on his journey, at some point reaching the famous city of Sinfar.


Watersport and other stuff that belongs to toliet, vomitting, shemales and herms (though, there may be exception and also I mean it in ERP context only. I'm fine with doing some casual stuff with pretty much everyone.)

Yellow(Things I CAN do, but I better won't.): Anal stuff, femboys.

Green: Storytelling, adventures, Non-Erotic-Roleplay, Character Development, Friendship, Rivalry, Romance, Cuddling, Tenderness.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human