Pandora Maelstrom

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The eldest of twins by mere minutes, Pandora is full of life.  She has followed divine studies to learn divine magic and uses it to protect others as she explorers the world.  

She and her twin mirror images of each other except Pandora?s swatch of bright red hair, which he inherited from her other mother.  She loves her family deeply, even if she makes disparaging remarks regarding her twin frequently.  

She has chosen to give her heart to one person, perhaps an affectation she gained while studying.  She has the heart of an explorer and spends a great deal of time deep below Sinfar, fighting hoards of terrible foes.

Like her mother?s she loves women, though she bears no ill will toward men and has many she calls friend.

Panda, as her friends call her, is fast learning how naive she is.  She is trying to socialize more to better understand people, but finds the city bizarre in its day to day machinations.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf