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The woman appears to be in the summer of her lifespan, fully endowed with a flowering figure in full bloom.  From only the most causal of glances it is obvious she is not fully human, displaying draconian elements that are unmistakable.  Her skin is all cream touched with roses, while smooth as silk.

The woman's oval face is soft and delicately formed, her nose nose is dainty, and her lips, while often pouts is full, yet not wide.  The most striking feature are her eyes, wide and expressive, shades of smoldering fire and heat combined within her gaze, reflected outwards in a soft radiant glow.

Framing the cool cream of her face, a mass of crimson tresses swirl about her body in a whimsical display, taking to dance upon the merest breeze or breath of wind.  Her hair, more often than not, is in such a state of disarray as to best be described as the most glorious form of bedhead in existence. So much so that it is not unusual to see this woman, eyes closed, mouth a gape and trickle of spittle running down her chin, slouched over and obvious asleep in the middle of the day, even in the most inopportune times.

She is of above average height, and her body is well padded, an over abundance of lush flesh.  Her diminutive waist is followed before and after by the distinct curves of a woman.  Her hips fill out anything she wears to it's best effect, while her breasts overfill her blouse, and leaving a deep 'V' of cleavage between the well rounded bosom.

She carries a soft fragrance of cherry blossom in full spring glory, Mimosa petals softly touched by the sun and earthy notes of sandalwood are upon the wind, cloyingly familiar and seem to pull some long forgotten, yet beloved memory.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human