Talib Ade

a germanic barbarian from forest foggy lands, Talib Ade came from an alliance of villages that learned to work together, they had their own form of government and laws were not so strict, they upheld barbaric traditions and events.   Talib Ade had a good life in that village of his called wulf-rest but he had felt like he needed to start going on a life of adventure and not live by the law persay, a noble man that however has good morale.  

name of deity: Wodanaz (Odin) the allfather

phenotype of the humans: Alpinid
features: brown eyes, brown hair, round face but still a bit broad, child like facial features (due to phenotype, child like facial features is something normal for an alpinid adult), medium height, stocky/endomorphic, bulbas nose with short bridge, weak cheekbones.  

Red: no scat, no piss, no child stuff, no elves, no futas, no overly animal characters, character death, castration.

yellow: maybe gay sex (depends on my mood), chastity if there is a good rp reason (Talib won't just let someone lock his cock)

green: femdom (this could be easier than chastity to achieve, he just doesn't do well with being locked all that much), facesitting, rapeplay (just dm me if you want Talib to rape you, yes its evil but he does sometimes just wanna fuck something), a meaningful marriage (talib is not married and would not mind settling down at some point, ideally with someone similar to him),

I think I will add more later, just inquire me if there is anything I did not list that we both might like.  

Player:Tyler Luscien
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human