
Portrait Save
Gender/sex : Female
Race : Beastkin - cat type
Age : 19 years
Height : 5 foot
Bust : 36D
Colors : Tanned (skin) / Dark brown (hair) / light brown (fur) / Dark Purple (eyes)
Role: Submissive/slave

This odd little creature would seem to be a beastkin of some type. Her catlike ears and bent back legs being the most noticeable. followed by the smooth fur covering most of her form and sharp claws upon her fingers.

While dressed in simple traveler's armor, the adornments in her hair and across her person would hint heavily at a tribal origin.

When speaking she would bare a heavy accent, while musical in nature it would cut her words off rather sharply.

She often casts wary looks towards males in the area, knowing all to well that few have chaste thoughts upon these isles. her demeanor might often be curious, insightful, and meek, but long-suffering has tempered her to a pessimistic tone.

Some might know of the girl, she makes her money primarily through scouting and gathering herbals. rumors in seedier places might tell of rougher encounters with her, though many of them end with her slipping away somehow. In more common places it might be known that she seeks a potion master.

((OOC notes))
Taliai would possess a few keen senses, notably low light vision and keen scent.

Highly interested in tribal RP and ERP. Pagan RP and settings and realistic characters for long term RP.

Keenly interested to do RP in outdoor areas and outside of sinfar's city areas. (there is like 100 times the space of sinfar out there let's use some of it!)
Savage/brutal characters with culture (i.e. minotaurs that have a religion, or orcs with a lifestyle. being big lewd, and stupid is fine, but I really like some story behind it too.)

Greenlights: Males in ERP, BDSM, bondage, shibari!, risky sex/impregnation, dub-con/non-con, racism, sexism, settings where non-normal races are more or less outcast, having an out (at the end of RP I'd love to have a way to escape, so i don't have to segregate the RP from her 'canon')

Yellow lights: Nice characters (the goody two shoes, Taliai is made for a character who will try and exploit her), anal, Shemales in ERP,

Hard Reds :
the usual (scat, piss, needless gore, underaged), unrealistic characters, cuteness as a character trope, Feminine males, overpowered characters (gods, angels, demons, aliens, instant win/lose god-modding), female partners in ERP (quite alright if another woman is being enjoyed alongside taliai, but taliai is going for the dick),

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human