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A tiny, gaunt creature, with skin dark blue, almost as the night. Shaggy, long jetblack hair grows all over his head. A pointy long and crooked nose grows on his face and a set of equally pointy, large ears poke out of the masses of hair.
Two yellowish cateyes glowing in an eerie yellowish hue and the mouth is allways twisted into a very wide grin that bares lots and lots of razorsharp little fangs.
The bony little being moves with undoubtful supernatural grace and speed, his footsteps can not be heard.  

Apart from several animalskulls and bones, wich decorate his pretty functional and mundane looking outfit. These clothes aremostly kept in darker black to brown hues. Surprisingly the attire does not consist of rags, in fact it's in a quite good condition. Just the leather gloves have holes ripped into the fingers ends to make room for the long, clawed nails.

What also might be strange is the, for the creatures size, large and long cylindrically shaped leather case which  he is carrying on his back. It's upper end is open and sometimes faintly visible misty vapor is slowly rising out of it.
It might be a trick of your mind, bit every now and then it seems, this vapor takes vaguely humanoid shapes while it climbs out of it's shelten and finally dissolves.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Halfling