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A Song Of Sin

Soul Collector, Deal maker, Heart breaker, Murderer, Whore

~The seven deadly sins incarnate, Presides over the sin Lust.

~Created. A blurred face among many. Chosen solely by chance to fulfil her Dark God's wishes while the others were devoured, absorbed back into the flow of Hell's endless abyss.

~With time, a demon grows in power. She is not flashy with 'magic' or a muscular frame. She is not nightmarish or frightening at first glance. But she carries two names with pride that cannot bind her to contracts. She wears a body that is her own. And she harbors a plethora of knowledge to use as she pleases. The greatest weapon is of the mind.

~A hidden agenda. Playing pretend in differing lands, she searches for the right place. She feeds. The succubus takes from others while mating. While food sustains her body, the life energy of others sustains her soul.

~Two sides of the same coin. Preferring feminine pronouns, the Succubus is equally an Incubus. The male genitalia is internal and due to her body temperature, the male organs are less productive. Lilitu is masculine and Lilith is feminine, she can be called either or both.

~ A trick of the senses. A honey trap. Her scent isn't quite a pheromone, and yet its perceived by many as what they love. Smelling of rain to one creature and or perfume to another. Because of this ability, it can be difficult to track her movements and determine whether or not she has been in a certain area

~A taker. The succubus will never 'settle down' with someone for extended periods of time unless they suit her needs.

~A faker. She is very deceptive, to the point where it is unknown as to whether she actually feels emotions and cares for others, or whether it is all an act, just part of the game.

~ A dealer of sins. You ask, and she gives (within reason). This is more of a hobby than a profession.

~ Prices are paid for the deal via sacrificing something precious, usually a sexual favor. Lovers are much more preferred.

~ Deals cannot be broken once they are made unless the client wishes to make another deal.

~As a deal maker, she possess various abilities in order to make these deals succeed. One of these abilities includes "The Sight". This ability allows her to look into another's soul or an object. Its ideal for accurately locating and "seeing" ones darkest desires. So she can in a sense, 'know' someone's vices. Though she can not exploit the ability unless invited to do so.

~ Various other abilities include:

*Creation of portals to different worlds

*The summoning of Hell's legions under her command

*Manipulation and collection of souls

~ Not really a fan of 'curses' or 'magic incantations'. Would rather harm someone physically via her own hands.

~Asmodeus - Depicted as one of the seven princes of Hell, ruling over the sin of Lust. A creator or parental figure of sorts. Works directly under and is sent straight to his presence if her body succumbs to death. Will rarely visit but mostly tries to avoid. Refers to him as her 'Maker'. Harbors hidden fears that he may try to murder her and destroy her schemes. Cannot disobey him and yet holds hidden desires to escape from him. Her cage.

~It is possible to summon her and bind her into service. This requires a suitable offering . If all requirements are met she will serve faithfully for 9 hours.  She may also be summoned without a offering. This will earn her eternal wrath without a satisfactory reason to do so and she will seek to enslave or violently end the summoners life once the summoning is complete.  

Things wanted of SRP are most things fantasy, poly-romance, vanilla and everything kinkiness (although with scarlett the srp will tend to be in the realm of the later). Gender preference is for females (with or without cocks), and rarely Male(softer subby ones prefered).

Things not wanted of SRP are super-clinginess, bios focused entirely on the cock, character appearance 90% a cock, overly-manly men, disgusting things: scat, gore, vomit, etc.

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf