Verat Redthorne

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"Oh father tell me - do we get what we deserve?"


The man seemed to be little more than a standard mortal human, standing a few inches over six feet and built powerfully, if not bulkily - lean, corded muscle set into a frame that suggested a life spent in constant practice and self improvement.

His features were aristocratic, as though he had once come to life from a painting of a crusading knight, but some three decades of life spent on the road had weathered them somewhat, softening their sharp handsomeness in the same way that time might erode the carving of a statue. His once jet black beard had not escaped the ravages of time, either, a single sharp strand of silver piercing through it.

The man's voice carried with it the same aristocratic tones as his face - but not much beyond that, each word carefully pronounced to avoid giving away an identifiable accent. It carried with it nothing more than a faint sense of amusement at whatever life had currently proffered up, accompanied with a barely there yet ever-present smirk that just slightly pulled up the corner of his mouth.

Set above all this were two eyes the color of steel, and though they bore the same mixture of mocking amusement in their depths, they had a habit of hardening quickly.


Straight char. Up for anything so long as it leads to roleplay. Tell friendly.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human