Caeryn Aelorothi-Sielyr

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[Race]: Half-Fiend
[Height]: 5'5"
[Build]: Mixed-Blooded, Busty, Callipygian


Raven tresses cascade from this woman's head, spilling down and around her face in a delightful waterfall. Usually styled around a neat bun of braids, held in plate with an ornate, golden clap. A swept fringe spills down across her brow above luminous, violet eyes. Their pinkish-glow has a smouldering quality, that can make it appear to bore beyond your own gaze; as if she sook to pluck your surface thoughts like a juicy plum. Dark ochre surrounds them, making their glow all the more difficult to ignore. Her nose is well proportioned, positioned flawlessly above soft, plump lips painted a glossy black. Her cheekbones are high and her expression often imperious, which combined with her well selected attire can make her appear like some brattish heiress. -- Until that is you note the ever coy smile tugging at the corner of her lips, a softly fanged smile awaiting you.

Those soft strands spill down over the tanned, dusky skin. It's touch, soft beyond any measure you could immediately fathom; it contained a cloying warmth eternal. Between these two dark waterfalls, her swan-like neck sports a string of silver-white moonstones, that glimmer with a polished lustre. From between her shoulder-blades, in a dark mirror of angellic beauty, like a pair of glossy black-feathered wings. They look well taken care of, and preened - though their stunted size suggests the cost of her mixed lineage - it would seem doubtful they are functional to soar the skies upon.

Beneath that string of moonstones the heavy swell of her chest suggests her mixed bloodline all the more in a swift departure from willowy elven grace - in an all too pleasing manner, contrasting the waspish nature of her waist which sits as the painting framed beneath by the broad matronly hips.
At times, here hung a slender elven blade, or a useful belt of pouches and pockets. Though this usually did little to distract the eye from sinking lower still.

Her backside, is frankly divine. That sweet, evasive quality between tone and jiggle. Thick and perhaps begging for the slap of a palm, or bold fingers to spread her juicy buttocks and take stock of the snug pucker hidden between. Unfortunately for your imagination; she was usually well afforded with clothing. Caeryn fond of soft coloured linens and silks when not dressed for more practical activity.
Long legs reached towards the ground; thighs toned and muscular with a pleasing firmness to the touch, chased her petite feet downwards. Forming pleasant calves along the way. Her legs were perhaps a little longer than one might expect, but not so much to look entirely ungainly.


Caeryn's right, fore-finger bares a signet, of elvish design. Other ornaments are a little more exotic, and stylised in a manner that was interplanar in origin, befitting the merchants that wash up in the regions planar flotsam.

[Reds]: Vore, Gore and the usual server forbidden things!
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf