Fade Amasherein

Hello, I haven't played here for more than a year. It's more than likely that my memories fail on this and that route to dungeon A, location B or what action is most effective in situation C.

My typing can be slowish but I also try to watch these funny little dots and capitalization, once in a while. I like roleplay as much as I like some action too. PvE is more appealing to me than PvP but I can be dragged there too, if I like you.

Yes, I'm fine with erotic roleplay too. I care not for a linguistic genius and many topics are acceptable to me. What I don't like is incest, snuff, gore, feces, urine, impossible sizes and some other things. Try to keep it within a few limits with me.

When you read to this point, Fade has just been created as a character. She is a fairly athletic elf without overly remarkable traits. What you see is what you get with Fade.

I will most likely develop the personality of this character by interactions and encounters with your characters and the environment. The basic idea of Fade is evolving towards a classic fighter style (with a two-bladed sword or not), but I might rebuild her when she finds a partner.

Fade's story isn't for the character description entry. It will be written with your RP and actions. Besides, I don't like it when other players use it. What else, for now? Let's have some fun!

Update 2020.01.10 - Weekend 2:
It's still very fast to level up here - 36 as I write this. No matter that, I stick with the idea and style of shaping this character through playing with you. Relevelling is an option or a complete rebuild too. I might stick to the current setup fighter / wm too, if no RP of relevance occurs. Open to ideas and discussions too but remember, this character has never been created with optimized stats to begin with.

1. Is your character in a relationship or looking for it?
 - No. The character is "free game". You don't get jealousy drama with me and that's what I expect from your side too.

2. Are you into [gender]?
 - I don't care so much about genders. It's a game, but my character has preferences: Men > Women > Other

3. What is your position on OOC / tells?
 - I'm alright with it, but I'd rather see it within some limits. There are days when I cannot stand OOC and there are situations where IC / RP makes little sense due to several reasons, like some epic dungeons.

4. Are you looking for quick ERP / immediate hook up?
 - No. I am not completely against it, but it's unlikely with my characters.

5. What is your point of view on immersion and RP?
 - I like mature roleplay in general. Indepth or immersion plays an important role to me. Goofy and quirky things do not bother me. I might add or return a witty or funny part too, but that's just a thing I eventually do for you.

6. Can you change characters for [something]?
 - I hate it. Every character has a strength and weaknesses, in PvE and more so in PvP. A rule of thumbs: A player's skill isn't reflected by the build, but the way you play. Want to impress somebody? Play a weaker character build and still accomplish something with it.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf