
Race: Frost Giant/???
Height: Around 7 Feet
Weight: 367 Ibs
Age: 86 Years Old (Looks to be mid 20s.)
Eye Color: Midnight Icey Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Physique: Slim and Athletic


The large creature that stands before you is in fact a giant. Yes a half-giant with blue tinted pale skin and long bright blonde strands that sheild his scalp. The blonde strands are usually bonded by a large band on top of his head as his hair is braided down to his calves accompanied by another band to keep them tight. Splitting between the strands of hair above his head are two horns that split off from another and one being shorter than the other decorated by a golden ring on each side of his head. His thin V shaped jaw line gives the giant a rather feminine feature yet with his fierce dark icey blue eyes he would retain somewhat of a warrior visiual. Above the bridge of his slim nose is a blue marking of an upside down triangle with small sapphire jewels imbedded and decorated above his eye brows. Down along the bridge of his nose is a gold chain that lasps on to the left side of his nose dangling slightly and connected to his left ear. His lips are thin and slightyly a darker shade compared to the rest of his pale skin.

His form is slim and he seems to be shorter than most giants would be only reaching just past seven feet. His neck is not thick or overly muscular until reaching underneath his collar welcomed by two large muscular pecs on his chest. Brick like abdominal muscles holding his form in a straight posture as he stands and a V lined pelvis. His arms are large for an average size being but as for his size they would look moderate as no veins or any crazy defined lines would course through them. Only from the retraction and extention of his arm could you see the large bicep buldging. His back is muscular yet not overly wide and probably the most defined other than his abdominal with defined lines seperating his shoulder blades and other muscles alike. Looking closely enough you would notice silver plated markings along the back of his hands. Anyone he touches or would touch this silver could feel a small magical tingle though nothing that would be alarming.

The giant has a slim waist with a small bubbled rear homed by a large pale skinned tail usually decorated with jewelry and a barbed tip. His legs are not any more muscular really than his arms though they are still averagely proportionate. On his left thigh you could see a Dragon like symbol tattoo made of silver and imbedded into his skin. If you were to rub your hand over this silver you could tell it was smooth and shiney and a small hint of magic lifting from it.

Reds: No perma-death, gorey stuff in erp, poopy stuff in erp, male on male erp.

Greens: If it's not in the Red then it's probably a go. My character can take care of himself during RP if he feels uncomfortable with something or send a tell. Long-lasting RP, short-RP, good RP, bad RP, just RP.

Leaving randomly during RP or ERP without a tell or IC dialogue will probably result in my toon avoiding RP with you in general. It's nothing personal OOC but its something I wouldn't do to you so I would expect the respect in return. Thanks.

Definitely Tell friendly, even if your not trying to RP with me, send a Tell and say hello!
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf