Kylie Skylark

Portrait Save
Long, dark hair falls past this young woman's shoulders, held back in a half ponytail and decorated with thin braids and feathers. Her skin is naturally pale, despite being an outdoorsy type. Deep blue eyes appear nearly black, a similar shade to a clear, night sky. A pretty face, free of scars or blemishes, with soft pink lips, set in a neutral expression. She looked to be in her late teens, possibly early twenties, with a sturdy, feminine build; standing roughly around the five-and-a-half-foot mark, give or take an inch.

Full, round breasts, a little over an average handful, not overly large, nor too small. A narrow waist curves out to wide, womanly hips and firm backside. A frame defined with lean muscle, toned arms perfect for handling a bow, and strong, sculpted legs built for running. She was well proportioned, healthy and athletic.

Out of Character

Players Red Lights

Anything that breaks the servers rules. Messing with her gender. Mind and body transformations*. Feces. Vomit. Ridiculously oversized anatomy proportions. Submissives. More than one partner. Monogamy.  First/second person emotes.

Players Green Lights

Clever and/or cunning "savage" races: orcs, goblinoids, kobolds, etc. Trickery. Blackmail. Extortion. Debts. Capture. Reluctant/dubious consent. Pleasure control. Forced subbing. Mild BDSM. Toys. Cute/savage/sexy outfits. Threats/fear tactics. Clothed sex. Discrete public sex. Forced public nudity. Flirting. Teasing. Seduction. One night stands. Long term. Casual. Fade to black. And more.

*Breast enhancements possible.
Player:Tender Kisses
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human